Dear Orange Friends:
A lot happens on the Syracuse campus on a typical day, and it is hard to take it all in. We have great faculty and a strong academic community, and that means a lot of people come here for visits, including from other universities. Sometimes our students, faculty, and community have an opportunity to see and interact with many of the best scholars in the world on a salient set of issues. That happens again this weekend, when our philosophy department hosts the Third Annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. The schedule of events is very impressive.
The conference includes ten workshops by renowned philosophers on compelling issues in government, politics, and democracy. One of the keynotes is by my former colleague Elizabeth Anderson of the University of Michigan, who will address equality issues, and who has had a transformative impact on the discipline. Other scholars come from Oxford, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Australian National University, Cornell University, the University of Warwick, the London School of Economics and Political Science, Syracuse University, UCLA, Rice University, and Washington University in St. Louis, among others.
I encourage students, faculty, and friends to take advantage of this great learning opportunity.