Tolerance and Respect

Dear Orange Friends:

This weekend an incident occurred on campus in which a Syracuse University student made offensive and hurtful comments toward another student. These comments, focused on race and sexual orientation, were recorded and a video of the remarks was shared via social media.

As with everything we do here, our first and most important duty is to our students. All of us who are part of the University have a responsibility to make sure the community our students experience is one that is respectful, safe, and supportive. For that reason, we do not tolerate hate speech, including hate speech directed at a person’s race or sexual orientation.

The University has taken action using appropriate procedures to investigate this incident. The investigation will be done in accordance with our policies regarding student rights and responsibilities.

I believe this, and other less visible incidents, presents us with an opportunity to have an open, civil, and frank discussion. Issues of tolerance and respect are something confronted by many people on campus and off, in ways visible and not. As one University and one community, we are comprised of many groups, beliefs, backgrounds, roles and relationships, and also many differences. A great university is a place where individuals from disparate backgrounds and perspectives can work together each day. Syracuse’s diversity is one of our greatest strengths as a learning institution.

I have asked Vice Chancellor and Provost Eric Spina and Senior Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs Rebecca Reed Kantrowitz to expeditiously work with student leaders to arrange a forum for the community to discuss these issues. You will receive more information about this event very soon and I hope you will join me there.


Kent Syverud's signature
Chancellor Kent Syverud