

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Athletics, Benefits and Textbook Affordability Working Group
Nov. 20, 2024

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Benefits and Intercollegiate Athletics
Oct. 24, 2024

Chancellor Syverud Provides Updates to University Senate on University Climate and Shared Governance
Sept. 6, 2024


Chancellor Syverud Provides Update to University Senate on Housing and Technology Leadership
March 20, 2024

Chancellor Addresses Answers Question on JMA Wireless Dome Reseating at University Senate
Feb. 21, 2024

Chancellor Addresses University Senate for First Time in Spring Semester, Announces New Naming Gift for 119 Euclid
Jan. 24, 2024

A New Semester
Jan. 16, 2024

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Benefits Process, Proposed Changes to Senate Bylaws
Dec. 13, 2023

Chancellor Syverud Statement on Safety and Speech
Dec. 11, 2023

Chancellor Kent Syverud Issues Statement on Passing of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Dec. 1, 2023

Supporting our Community
Nov. 17, 2023

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Student Housing, Benefits
Nov. 15, 2023

Prioritizing the Safety of Our Community
Oct. 31, 2023

Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
Oct. 9, 2023

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Athletics, Benefits, Sustainability at University Senate
Sept. 27, 2023


Chancellor Syverud Provides Update on Benefits, Sustainability at Final University Senate Meeting of the Academic Year
April 20, 2023

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Benefits, Sustainability and Preparations for Supreme Court Decisions
March 22, 2023

Chancellor Syverud and Leaders Update University Senate on Campus Safety
February 15, 2023

Chancellor Syverud Updates University Senate on Fall 2023 Applications, Benefits
January 25, 2023

Chancellor Kent Syverud Delivers 2023 Winter Message to the University Community
January 18, 2023

Board of Trustees Announces Contract Extension for Chancellor Kent Syverud
December 20, 2022

Chancellor Reports to University Senate on Highlights From November Full Board of Trustees Meeting
November 16, 2022

Chancellor Syverud Discusses Micron Technologies Investment at University Senate
October 26, 2022

A Historic $100B Investment in Central New York
October 4, 2022

Chancellor Provides Updates on Campus Since May at University Senate
September 22, 2022


Chancellor Syverud Addresses April 13 Meeting of the University Senate
April 13, 2022

Chancellor Kent Syverud Provides Update on New Leadership Appointments at University Senate
March 23, 2022

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 25, 2022

Chancellor Syverud Addresses COVID, Leadership Searches at University Senate
February 23, 2022

Chancellor Kent Syverud Delivers 2022 Winter Message to the University Community
January 24, 2022

Chancellor Syverud Provides Update to University Senate, Campus Community Regarding Retirement Changes
December 20, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Discusses Spring Semester 2022 and Progress Toward Strategic Goals
December 15, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Nov. 17 Meeting of the University Senate
November 17, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Discusses Progress on Library Facilities, I-81 and Forever Orange Campaign
October 20, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Sept. 22 Meeting of the University Senate
September 22, 2021

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud and Dean David Van Slyke
September 13, 2021

Chancellor Kent Syverud Delivers Welcome Message at the New Student Convocation
August 27, 2021

Navigating COVID
August 20, 2021


Important Commencement 2020 Update
June 28, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Provides Updates to the University Senate
April 21, 2021

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
April 20, 2021

COVID-19 Vaccination
April 8, 2021

Commencement Updates for Classes of 2020 and 2021
March 30, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Provides Updates on Fall Planning, COVID-19 and Leadership Searches in University Senate Remarks
March 24, 2021

Fall 2021 Semester Update
March 22, 2021

Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
March 17, 2021

Anti-Asian Bias and Hate
March 11, 2021

Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
March 4, 2021

Chancellor Discusses DPS Review, Revised COVID Guidelines and Leadership Searches in Remarks to University Senate
February 24, 2021

Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 22, 2021

Message From Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 17, 2021

Chancellor Kent Syverud Delivers 2021 Winter Message to the University Community
February 9, 2021

Chancellor Discusses Enrollment, Budget and Leadership Searches in His Remarks to the University Senate
January 27, 2021

Class of 2020 Commencement Update
January 9, 2021

Chancellor Syverud Updates the University Senate on Spring Planning, Searches and Diversity Efforts
December 9, 2020

Giving Thanks for Your COVID-19 Response
November 20, 2020

Chancellor Addresses University Senate, Discusses Transition to Online Learning and Spring 2021 Planning
November 18, 2020

Stay Vigilant–Four Weeks Remain
October 28, 2020

Chancellor Remembers Community Members, Addresses Spring Planning, DPS Review in University Senate Remarks
October 21, 2020

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate’s Sept. 23 Meeting
September 23, 2020

Spring Semester Academic Calendar Now Available, Spring Break Eliminated
September 23, 2020

Embracing the Disability Community as One University
September 14, 2020

Campus Climate Survey
September 9, 2020

Chancellor Syverud’s Welcome Message for Fall 2020
August 24, 2020

Loretta Lynch Review Update
August 21, 2020

Welcome, and Welcome Back!
August 17, 2020

Message from the Chancellor in Support of International Students
July 9, 2020


Statement from Chancellor Kent Syverud
June 15, 2020

Confronting Anti-Black Racism in our Community
June 9, 2020

Update on Commencement 2020 Planning 
June 2, 2020

Message to Our Community 
May 30, 2020

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate in April 22 Zoom Conference
April 22, 2020

Financial Impact of COVID-19
April 20, 2020

Our Plan for Fall 2020
April 16, 2020

Degree Conferral for 2020 Graduating Students
April 13, 2020

Commencement 2020 Update from Chancellor Syverud
April 8, 2020

Virtual Orange Opportunities
April 1, 2020

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Mar. 27 University Senate Meeting
March 28, 2019

A Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
March 20, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
March 16, 2020

Message to the Syracuse University Senate and Community
March 12, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
March 10, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
March 6, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
March 2, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
February 27, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
February 26, 2020

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
February 24, 2020

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 21, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate
February 19, 2020

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 1, 2020

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Dec. 12 University Senate Meeting
December 12, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate
December 11, 2019

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
November 29, 2019

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
November 25, 2019

A Public Message of Support
November 22, 2019

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse Community
November 21, 2019 (4:00 p.m.)

Message From Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
November 21, 2019 (2:00 a.m.)

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate
November 20, 2019

Letter from Chancellor Syverud
November 19, 2019

Summary of University Response to Specific Student Concerns
November 19, 2019

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
November 17, 2019

Video Message from Chancellor Syverud (transcript)
November 17, 2019

Video Message from Chancellor Syverud (transcript)
November 15, 2019

Message From Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
November 13, 2019, 7:30 p.m.

Message From Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
November 13, 2019, 3:30 p.m.

Message From Chancellor Syverud to Students, Faculty and Staff
November 12, 2019
Chancellor Kent Syverud Addresses Study Abroad, Enrollment, Dean Searches at University Senate Meeting
October 30, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Oct. 10 University Senate Meeting
October 10, 2019

Chancellor Kent Syverud Highlights Results, Discusses Civil Discourse and Free Speech with University Senate
September 19, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Sept. 5 University Senate Meeting
September 5, 2019

Syracuse University, SUNY-ESF Announce Renewed Academic, Research-Based Partnership
August 26, 2019

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
August 5, 2019

Chancellor Syverud to Chair Atlantic Coast Conference Council of Presidents
August 1, 2019

Message from Chancellor Syverud to Members of the Syracuse University Community
August 1, 2019

A New Orange Era in Health and Wellness
July 30, 2019


Chancellor Syverud Addresses Apr. 10 University Senate Meeting
April 11, 2019

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
April 2, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Mar. 27 University Senate Meeting
March 28, 2019

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud
February 21, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Feb. 13 University Senate Meeting
February 14, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Jan. 30 University Senate Meeting
February 1, 2019

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Dec. 12 University Senate Meeting
December 14, 2018

Message from Chancellor Syverud
November 20, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Encourages Students to Vote
November 6, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Oct. 10 University Senate Meeting
October 12, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Sept. 5 University Senate Meeting
September 11, 2018


Chancellor Syverud Addresses Apr. 18 University Senate Meeting
April 19, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Mar. 28 University Senate Meeting
March 29, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Feb. 21 University Senate Meeting
February 22, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Jan. 17 University Senate Meeting
January 18, 2018

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Dec. 6 University Senate Meeting
December 7, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Nov. 8 University Senate Meeting
November 9, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Oct. 18 University Senate Meeting
October 19, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses First University Senate Meeting of New Academic Year
September 7, 2017

Energized Leadership Team Welcomes New Students and New Academic Year
September 1, 2017

Exploring Syracuse University’s Old Row Towers
August 21, 2017

Syracuse University to Invest $100 Million in Academic Programs, Student Experience
July 26, 2017

University Announces $40 Million Financial Aid Fundraising Initiative
July 26, 2017

Message from Chancellor Syverud
July 26, 2017


Syracuse University and IVMF on National Stage at Washington D.C. Veteran Transition Summit
June 22, 2017

Message from Chancellor Syverud
May 15, 2017

Dean Diane Lyden Murphy Appointed Co-Chair of Chancellor’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence
May 5, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Names the Rev. Dr. Brian E. Konkol 7th Dean of Hendricks Chapel
April 21, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate at April 19 Meeting
April 20, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses March 29 Meeting of the University Senate
March 30, 2017

Chancellor Syverud to Host 100th Chancellor’s Review for ROTC Cadets
March 30, 2017

Q&A with Co-Chairs of Chancellor’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence
March 28, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses University Senate at March 22 Meeting
March 23, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Annouces Members of Ad Hoc Committee on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/DACA Undocumented Students
February 24, 2017

Nominations Sought for Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship
February 17, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses February Meeting of University Senate
February 16, 2017

Chancellor Syverud Addresses Most Recent Immigration Issues Via University Senate’s Open Forum
February 8, 2017

Nominations Sought for Chancellor’s Citation for Excellence Awards
February 7, 2017

Message to the Community from Chancellor Syverud
January 31, 2017

Chancellor Kent Syverud Addresses Challenges and Opportunities for University in 2017 Winter Message
January 18, 2017

Chancellor Kent Syverud to Conclude Tenure on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Trust
December 27, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Announces Senior VP of Communications and Marketing Search Committee Members
December 19, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Announces Leadership Changes to Better Align with Strategic Vision
December 15, 2016

Message to the Community from Chancellor Syverud
December 7, 2016

Chancellor and Provost Approve Senate Recommended Revisions to Faculty Manual
December 6, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Elected to Middle States Commission on Higher Education
December 5, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Addresses November Meeting of University Senate
November 15, 2016

Chancellor’s Statement on Inclusive Community
November 11, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Appointed to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Academic Advisory Council

October 20, 2016: Chancellor Syverud joins other academic leaders in advising Homeland Security on matters related to homeland security, career opportunities for graduates, campus resilience and academic research.

Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud

October 18, 2016

Cathryn R. Newton Appointed Special Advisor to the Chancellor and Provost for Faculty Engagement

October 13, 2016

Chancellor Syverud Addresses October Meeting of University Senate

October 13, 2016

Hendricks Chapel Dean Search Committee Named

September 30, 2016: Chancellor Syverud has announced the appointment of a search committee to identify the next dean of Hendricks Chapel.

University Adds New Features to Mobile App

September 27, 2016:Syracuse University Mobile grew out of Chancellor Syverud’s initiative aimed at generating ideas and input from students to create new communications tools for the University to connect better with students.

Chancellor Syverud Announces Chief Financial Officer Search Committee Members 

September 27, 2016: Chancellor Syverud today announced the members of the search committee for the University’s new chief financial officer.

University Council on Diversity and Inclusion Members Announced

September 26, 2016: New University-wide council is among 18 short-term recommendations made by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion.

M. Dolan Evanovich Appointed Senior Vice President for Enrollment and the Student Experience

September 20, 2016: M. Dolan Evanovich is a versatile leader with an impressive track record of success.

During Past Three Years, Donor Support to University Has Increased by 50 Percent as Enthusiasm Grows for Academic Strategic Plan, Campus Framework Projects

September 15, 2015: As Syracuse University works to shape its future via the Academic Strategic Plan, along with the Campus Framework, the enthusiasm has grown in support of its ambitious goals.

Statements from Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud and Director of Athletics John Wildhack Regarding ACC Council of Presidents Decision on Championship Events in North Carolina

September 14, 2016: Syracuse University leaders show support decision on championship events in North Carolina.

Syracuse University Sees Significant Jump on U.S. News ‘Best Colleges for Veterans’ List

September 13, 2016: U.S. News & World Report, which just released the 2017 Best Colleges rankings, and has identified Syracuse University as the 36th (out of nearly 300 colleges and universities) best college in the United States for veterans. Last year, Syracuse University ranked 50th on the same list.

Syracuse University Launches Diversity and Inclusion Website

September 7, 2016: The new portal among the many recommendations made by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion.

Chancellor Syverud Provides Update to Campus Community on Free Speech Report

September 7, 2016: Yesterday, Chancellor Syverud provided an update to the campus community regarding the status of the Free Speech Report.

Bea González Named University Liaison to Posse Scholar Program

August 31, 2016: Chancellor Syverud has appointed University College Dean and Special Assistant to the Chancellor Bea González to serve as the University’s liaison to the Posse Foundation scholarship program.

Advancing Diversity and Inclusion at Syracuse University: A Status Report on the Short Term Recommendations

August 25, 2016: In the fall of 2015, Chancellor Syverud announced the creation of a new University-wide Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion.

Syracuse University to Welcome More Than 4,000 First-Year and Transfer Students

August 24, 2016: University takes action to enhance its longstanding commitment to a diverse student body

Syracuse University Renews Commitment, Plans to Launch a Series of New Initiatives to Further Enhance Diversity Among Student Body, Faculty and Staff

August 23, 2016: Syracuse University will launch a series of new initiatives aimed at further enhancing diversity among the student body, faculty and staff.

New Bells Added to Crouse College Chimes Expand Repertoire

August 23, 2016: The work to add the four bells to the tower’s current 10 bells is part of summer construction projects among the many elements of the Campus Framework.

Chancellor Syverud Concludes Service on CNY Regional Economic Development Council

August 11, 2016: After more than two years serving as co-chair of the Central New York Regional Economic Development Council (REDC), Chancellor Syverud today announced that he has concluded his service with the REDC.

Search Committee Announced for Senior Vice President for New Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience

July 13, 2016: Chancellor Syverud and Vice Chancellor and Provost Michele Wheatly today announced the members of a search committee to identify a senior vice president for the new Division of Enrollment and the Student Experience. The new division will better align the organizations with the University’s strategic goals.

Alumnus Consults on Accessibility for Promenade, Dome and Arch Projects

July 8, 2016: Danny Heumann is back on campus as an advocate for the entire Syracuse University community.

John Wildhack ’80 to Become Syracuse University Director of Athletics

July 6, 2016: John Wildhack has unique qualifications and vast knowledge of and passion for Syracuse University Athletics.


A Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud

June 20, 2016: Chancellor Syverud writes to the University community about the Campus Framework

University Unveils Draft Campus Framework, Invites Campus Community to Provide Feedback, Input via New Interactive Website

June 20, 2016: Chancellor Syverud today unveiled a draft document for review by the University community.

David Van Slyke Named Dean of Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

June 10, 2016: Van Slyke is a distinguished scholar, an outstanding educator, successful researcher, a dedicated administrator and a passionate steward of the school.

Chancellor Syverud Announces Director of Athletics Search Committee Members

May 25, 2016: Chancellor Syverud will chair the committee, which includes student, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees representatives.

University Place Promenade Project to Get Underway

May 25, 2016: The University Place Promenade Project, which will transform University Place into a dynamic pedestrian promenade connecting Bird Library, Schine Student Center and the Newhouse School complex, will get underway in the coming weeks.

French Named Acting Director of Athletics; Frazier Promoted to Senior Deputy Director

May 19, 2016: Chancellor Syverud today announces his interim leadership plans for Syracuse University’s Department of Athletics.

Michael S. Tick Named Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts

May 17, 2016: With extensive experience in the performing arts, arts administration, teaching, fundraising and academic leadership, Michael S. Tick has been named the new dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts.

University Takes Next Step on Campus Framework, Including West Campus Project

May 16, 2016: The Syracuse University Board of Trustees has advanced, as part of the Campus Framework, the West Campus Project.

Campus Framework Outreach Timeline

May 16, 2016: The timeline for Campus Framework Outreach

New Members Elected to University’s Board of Trustees

May 16, 2016: Richard M. Alexander L’82, Neil A. Gold ’70 and Deborah (Gluckman) Leone ’86, G’87 have been elected as members of the Syracuse University Board of Trustees at the recent Board meeting

Two Additional Open Sessions on Promenade Project Conclude; Chancellor Syverud Addresses Feedback and Concerns

May 11, 2016: Chancellor Syverud spoke to a group of faculty, staff and students at the second of two additional information sessions focused on the proposed University Place Promenade project.

CAPES Awards Reflect Service to Community

April 22, 2016: Recipients of the Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship were honored.

Chancellor Syverud Provides Updates to Campus Community on Free Speech, Diversity Reports

April 15, 2016: The Chancellor updated the University Senate on feedback regarding the free speech report and the diversity and inclusion report.

Craig M. Boise Named Dean of Syracuse University’s College of Law

April 14, 2016: Craig M. Boise is recognized as an innovator in legal education.

University, City of Syracuse Announce Renewal of Five-Year Services Agreement

April 7, 2016: Syracuse University and the City of Syracuse today announced the renewal of a five-year services agreement aimed at enhancing an already strong relationship while improving the region’s public safety, infrastructure and its residents’ overall quality of life.

Chancellor Syverud Addresses March 23 University Senate Meeting

March 25, 2016: In his remarks, the Chancellor provided updates on a number of items, including matters relative to diversity and inclusion, free speech and the Professor of Practice policy currently being evaluated.

Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity & Inclusion Report Shared with the University Community

March 21, 2016: A report by the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion details wide-ranging recommendations aimed at creating a more welcoming, respectful campus climate, including establishing a Diversity and Inclusion Council and hiring a chief diversity officer.

Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity & Inclusion Finalizes Report on Creating More Inclusive Campus

March 11, 2016: The Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion has submitted its final report to Chancellor Syverud with its recommendations on how to further create a more diverse and inclusive campus climate.

College of Law Holds Mackenzie Hughes Appellate Advocacy Competition

March 4, 2016: Jesse Feitel and Kevin Smith, both third-year students in the College of Law, won the 44th Annual Mackenzie Hughes LLP Appellate Advocacy Competition.

Michele G. Wheatly Appointed Vice Chancellor and Provost at Syracuse University

March 4, 2016: Wheatly is described as a dynamic leader, an internationally recognized scholar and a true champion of a liberal education.

Sexual and Relationship Violence Task Force Launches Website to Provide Information, Resources

March 1, 2016: The Chancellor’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence has launched a new website to keep the University community informed about its work and to provide information on resources and prevention efforts.

Campus Framework Update Session to Be Held March 2 at Schine

February 26, 2016: University leaders, in conjunction with the members of the Campus Framework Advisory Group, will host an update session on the Campus Framework on March 2 at 4 p.m. in the Goldstein Auditorium at Schine Student Center.

Chancellor Syverud Appoints Committee to Conduct Hendricks Chapel Review

February 22, 2016: The Chancellor has appointed 16 members of the campus and local community to serve on a study committee charged with conducting a comprehensive review of Hendricks Chapel.

SU First Major Private University to Support Sen. Gillibrand’s Campus Accountability & Safety Act

February 19, 2016: Syracuse University has signed on as the first major private university in support of U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s bipartisan Campus Accountability and Safety Act.

Chancellor Syverud Addresses February Meeting of University Senate

February 18, 2016: Syracuse University’s recent research success, the budget planning process, the Campus Framework and the Climate Assessment Survey were among a handful of topics the Chancellor Kent Syverud addressed during his University Senate appearance.

Gravitational Waves Discovery, New Carnegie Classification Underscore Research Excellence at Syracuse

February 12, 2016: From all over campus to all around the world, a momentous discovery in the world of physics—in our universe—was made known Thursday.

Gravitational Waves Detected 100 Years after Einstein’s Prediction

February 10, 2016: For the first time, scientists have observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves.

 Students, Faculty, Staff Invited to Participate in Climate Assessment Survey

February 10, 2016: The Syracuse University Climate Assessment Survey is now under way and continues through March 11.

Campus Community Invited to Visioning Sessions with Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion

February 5, 2016: The members of the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion are hosted two workshops for University community members to discuss recommendations on how to create a more diverse and inclusive campus climate.

Chancellor Syverud Provides Update on Key University Initiatives

January 21, 2016: The Chancellor provided a comprehensive update on a number of items, including matters relative to student life, academic affairs, executive searches, and Fast Forward Syracuse.

Chancellor Appoints Chairs to Lead Review of Hendricks Chapel, Dean Search

January 21, 2016: Chancellor Syverud has appointed Interim Dean of Hendricks Chapel Samuel Clemence and Vice President and Chief of Staff Candace Campbell Jackson to chair a committee charged with conducting a comprehensive review of Hendricks Chapel and identifying the best candidate to lead the chapel as its next dean.

SU, ESF Announce New Academic and Research-Based Relationship

January 13, 2016: Chancellor Syverud and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry President Quentin Wheeler today announced the two schools will launch a renewed partnership focused on enhancing their academic and research-based offerings to better serve both institutions’ students and faculty.

NCAA Approves University’s Request to Begin Men’s Basketball Scholarship Reductions This Season; Only Five Scholarship Reductions Remain After 2015-16

January 12, 2016: Syracuse University today announced that the chair of the NCAA Committee on Infractions has approved the University’s request to begin serving the Men’s Basketball scholarship penalty this season. As a result, after the 2015-16 season, only five scholarships remain from the eight scholarship penalty.

Chancellor Syverud, SU Awarded Inaugural William Pearson Tolley Champion for Veterans in Higher Education Award by the Student Veterans of America

January 11, 2016: Chancellor Syverud is the recipient of the Student Veterans of America’s (SVA) inaugural William Pearson Tolley Champion for Veterans in Higher Education Award.

A Message from Chancellor Kent Syverud

December 16, 2015: Chancellor Syverud addresses concerns about the safety of campus and surrounding neighborhoods

Listening Session on Diversity and Inclusion Draws Critical Concerns, Ideas for Change

December 15, 2015: Students, faculty and staff shared their experiences with issues of diversity and their ideas for making a better, more inclusive campus during a listening session.

Syracuse University’s National Veterans Resource Complex Included in $500 Million Upstate Revitalization Initiative Award

December 10, 2015: Central New York was one of three Upstate regions awarded $500 million as part of Governor Cuomo’s Upstate Revitalization Initiative.

Dino Babers Named 30th Head Football Coach at Syracuse University

December 5, 2015: Babers will take the helm of Syracuse University football as the program’s 30th head coach.

Syracuse University Launches New Mobile App

December 1, 2015: Earlier this year, Chancellor Syverud appointed Whitman School Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Professor of Retail Practice Amanda Nicholson to lead an initiative aimed at generating ideas and input from students to create new communications tools for the University to better connect with students.

Committee Members Selected for Senior Vice President of Student Affairs Search

November 17, 2015: A committee, consisting of students, faculty and staff, has been selected to help lead the search for a new senior vice president of student affairs.

Report by Working Group on Free Speech Shared with Campus Community

November 18, 2015: The final report of the Working Group on Free Speech has been sent to the University Senate and to the Student Association, the Graduate Student Organization, and the Student Bar Association.

Chancellor’s Task Force Encourages Participation in ‘It’s On Us’ National Week of Action

November 9, 2015: The Chancellor’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence will hold a number of events this week, including a visit from Vice President Joseph R. Biden L’68, as part of the “It’s On Us” campaign’s National Week of Action to help end sexual assault.

Syracuse University to Host Vice President Biden for ‘It’s On Us’ National Week of Action

November 9, 2015: The Chancellor’s Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence will hold a number of events this week, including a visit from Vice President Joseph R. Biden L’68, as part of the “It’s On Us” campaign’s National Week of Action to help end sexual assault.

Faculty Advisory Committee Weighs In on Potential Syracuse University College of Medicine

November 3, 2015: The Faculty Advisory Committee tasked with studying the idea of a veterans-focused college of medicine at Syracuse, has submitted a 107-page report to Chancellor Syverud.

Chancellor Syverud, University Dedicate Wheelchair Ramp for Holden Observatory

October 26, 2015: The moon and the stars—and all the universe—as viewed through the lens of Holden Observatory became accessible to everyone.

Chancellor’s Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup Members Announced

October 16, 2015: More than 100 members of the campus community nominated themselves or another person to join the workgroup.

Chancellor Syverud Addresses October Meeting of University Senate

October 15, 2015:  Syracuse University’s fiscal health, student life, academic affairs and Fast Forward Syracuse were among the topics of Chancellor Syverud’s address.

Chancellor Announces New University-wide Workgroup on Diversity, Inclusion

September 28, 2015: The new workgroup will mirror in structure and scope the successful Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy the Chancellor created last fall.

University Continues Progress on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education, Advocacy

September 14, 2015: In addition to improvements made in the spring 2015 semester, the University has made significant progress in addressing many of the other recommendations and gaps raised by the workgroup.

New Student Convocation Welcomes Freshman, Transfer Students

August 31, 2015: Chancellor Syverud gave the incoming students their charge.

Beau Biden L’94 to Be Remembered at First Catholic Mass of Academic Year

August 27, 2015: Chancellor Syverud and Chairman-Emeritus of the Board of Trustees Richard L. Thompson G’67 requested the Mass be said in Biden’s honor.

Chancellor Syverud Announces Creation of Faculty Advisory Group to Advance Medical School Idea

August 14, 2015: The Faculty Advisory Group will advise University leaders on the idea of a veteran-focused College of Medicine at Syracuse University.

Student Affairs Leadership Structure to Be Strengthened, Enhanced

August 7, 2015: The Division of Student Affairs is strengthening its leadership structure to further enhance student programs and services, strengthen connections across the University and better position its resources in support of students in alignment with the University’s new Academic Strategic Plan.

University Explores Idea of Veteran-Focused College of Medicine

August 6, 2015: Syracuse University has begun actively exploring the idea of opening a small interdisciplinary medical school dedicated to serving the needs of the nation’s military veterans and their families.

Provost Announces Completion of Academic Strategic Plan Development

July 23, 2015: The Academic Strategic Plan is a document designed to serve as a strategic roadmap to guide priorities and institutional decision making in the coming years.

Candace Campbell Jackson Appointed Vice President, Chief of Staff to Chancellor Syverud

July 15, 2015: A highly experienced and accomplished administrator, Jackson comes to Syracuse from the University of Akron.

Former Dean Laura J. Steinberg to Conduct Assessment of CPDC

July 2, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today announced that Dr. Laura J. Steinberg, former dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the University’s Campus, Planning, Design and Construction operations.


Mike Hopkins Formally Named Men’s Basketball Head Coach-Designate

June 25, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today announced he has formally named Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Hopkins as head coach-designate.

Peter Sala Named Vice President and Chief Campus Facilities Officer

June 24, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today announced that Interim Director of Athletics and Managing Director of the Carrier Dome Peter Sala will assume a new senior leadership role at the University once his interim director appointment concludes on July 6.

Chancellor Syverud Selects Mark Coyle as University’s Next Director of Athletics

June 19, 2015: Coyle currently serves as director of athletics at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho.

Dean, Faculty, Student Reps Named to Board of Trustees

June 9, 2015: New representatives are named to Syracuse University’s Board of Trustees.

Liddy Selects David Seaman as Dean of the University Libraries

June 8, 2015: Seaman comes to Syracuse from Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.,

Statement from Chancellor Kent Syverud on the Death of Beau Biden

May 31, 2015: Chancellor Syverud expresses condolences on the passing of Beau Biden L’94.

One University Events Attended by 2,800 Faculty and Staff Members

May 22, 2015: It is believed that this represents the largest number of faculty and staff ever to be invited to the Chancellor’s house for a particular set of events.

ROTC Cadets Honored at 2015 Chancellor’s Review

May 11, 2015: Chancellor Kent Syverud hosted the annual Chancellor’s Review and Awards Ceremony, recognizing exemplary achievements of cadets in the Army and Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) programs.

Chancellor Appoints Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence

April 23, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today appointed 30 members of the campus community to a standing Task Force on Sexual and Relationship Violence.

Chancellor Appoints Members of Vice Chancellor and Provost Search Committee

April 16, 2015: The Vice Chancellor and Provost is Syracuse University’s chief academic officer and is responsible for all aspects of the academic mission.

Chancellor, Executive Team to Attend ‘The Cuse Conference, Your University’

April 7, 2015: The one-day conference is being hosted by the Student Association, Graduate Student Organization, Residence Hall Association and ESF Undergraduate Student Association.

Chancellor Syverud Appoints Search Committee for New Director of Athletics

April 6, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today announced the members of the Search Committee for the University’s new Director of Athletics and a timeline for moving forward in the search process.

Message from Chancellor Syverud to the University Community

March 18, 2015: Chancellor Syverud provides an update on the University’s plans moving forward.

Chancellor Syverud Selects Andy Gordon for Chief Human Resources Officer

March 16, 2015: Gordon, who will report to Chancellor Syverud, will assume his new role at the University on April 15.

Chancellor Syverud’s Message Regarding NCAA Report

March 6, 2015: Chancellor Syverud updates the community on the outcome of Syracuse University’s case before the NCAA.

Message from Chancellor Syverud Regarding Voluntary Post-Season Ban

February 4, 2015: Chancellor Syverud write to give the community advance notice that the University is announcing it has self-imposed a one-year post-season ban for the men’s basketball 2014-15 season as part of its case pending before the NCAA Committee on Infractions.

González, Wells to Serve as Special Assistants to the Chancellor

January 26, 2015: Chancellor Syverud today announced that University College Dean Bea González, and a former senior vice president and dean of student affairs at the University, Barry L. Wells, will be joining the Chancellor’s leadership team as Special Assistants.

Chancellor to Meet with Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy Next Week

January 16, 2015: Early next week, Chancellor Syverud will meet with members of the Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy to discuss its final report released last month.

Chancellor Syverud Responds to GSO Resolution Regarding University Interactions with THE General Body

January 14, 2015: In a letter delivered tonight to Graduate Student Organization (GSO) President Patrick Neary, Chancellor Syverud responded to the GSO’s Resolution requesting an investigation into the administration’s response to recent student protests.

Chancellor Receives Final Report from Workgroup

December 17, 2014: The Chancellor’s Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy delivered its final report to Chancellor Kent Syverud today.

Chancellor Syverud Addresses December Meeting of University Senate

December 9, 2014: The following is a transcript of his remarks.

University Appoints Matt Ter Molen Chief Advancement Officer

December 4, 2014: Ter Molen, who will report to Chancellor Syverud, will assume his new role at the University on Feb. 1, 2015.

Statements from Chancellor Syverud and Dean Bea González

November 20, 2014: This afternoon members of THE General Body vacated Crouse-Hinds Hall since first taking residence there on Nov. 3.

Chancellor Syverud Visits Syracuse University Hillel

November 14, 2014: When Syracuse University Chancellor Syverud recently sat down in the conference room in the Winnick Hillel Center for Jewish Life, he looked out the window to see his own house across Walnut Park.

Message to the University Community from Chancellor Syverud

November 13, 2014: Message from Chancellor Syverud regarding how the past ten days have demonstrated much about the importance of listening to our students and responding to their concerns.

Chancellor’s Workgroup Hosts Student Focus Group

November 11, 2014: The workgroup has spent the last month collecting information, conducting interviews and discussing sexual assault services at Syracuse University.

Chancellor Syverud and THE General Body Commit to Move Conversations Forward

November 6, 2014: Chancellor Kent Syverud met last night with student leaders from THE General Body to listen to their concerns and discuss a process for continued dialogue to address the issues detailed in a 43-page document issued by the student group on Monday.

Chancellor Syverud Visits with Students Keeping Presence in Crouse-Hinds Hall

November 4, 2014: After returning from New York City, where he was meeting with alumni, Chancellor Kent Syverud stopped by the lobby of Crouse-Hinds Hall Tuesday afternoon to speak with students who are keeping a presence on the ground floor of the building.

Fast Forward Syracuse Town Hall with Chancellor Syverud to Take Place Sept. 22

September 12, 2014: At the Town Hall, the Chancellor will discuss Fast Forward Syracuse and how it is providing the key strategic direction and framework for propelling the University forward.

Chancellor Syverud Appoints Members to Workgroup on Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Advocacy

September 5, 2014: The charge to the workgroup is to provide ideas, suggestions and proposals for how the University can continue to address the serious issues of sexual assault and relationship violence on campus.

Convocation Remarks by Chancellor Kent Syverud

August 22, 2014: Chancellor Syverud welcomes students to the new academic year.


Chancellor Syverud and Dr. Chen Meet Students, University Stakeholders in Middle East

June 19, 2014: Chancellor Kent Syverud, accompanied by his wife, Dr. Ruth Chen, made his first trip to visit Syracuse students, alumni and supporters in the Middle East, when he recently visited Dubai, Kuwait and Bahrain.

IVMF Executive Director Haynie Named Vice Chancellor for Veterans and Military Affairs

May 14, 2014: Chancellor and President Kent Syverud this week announced the formation of a new leadership position to oversee the development and expansion of programming for veterans and the military.

Transcript of Chancellor Kent Syverud’s Commencement Address

May 11, 2014: Chancellor Kent Syverud encouraged graduating students to remember family, friends, and faculty when looking back on college.

Chancellor Syverud Appointed Co-Chair of Regional Economic Development Council

May 2, 2014: Chancellor Syverud will lead the regional council in collaboration with co-chair Robert Simpson, president of CenterState CEO.

Chancellor’s Office Announces New Organizational Structure, Staff Members

April 23, 2014: The office serves as a resource in service of students, staff, faculty, trustees and alumni of Syracuse University.

Into a New Era: Syracuse University Inaugurates 12th Chancellor and President Kent Syverud

April 14, 2014: Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud started his inaugural address by giving thanks.

Kent Syverud to be Inaugurated as 12th Syracuse University Chancellor and President Today

April 11, 2014: The day began with a campus run with the Chancellor and ended with a campus community celebration on the Shaw Quadrangle.

Inauguration Day Press Kit: Biography of Chancellor Kent Syverud

April 10, 2014: Kent Syverud is the 12th Chancellor and President of Syracuse University. Appointed by the University’s Board of Trustees in September 2013, he assumed the leadership post in January 2014.

Chancellor’s Fun Run Draws Crowd of 500

April 11, 2014: A total of 503 students, faculty, and staff members joined Chancellor Kent Syverud for his inauguration day fun run.

Students and Staff Tickets Available for Chancellor Syverud’s Inauguration Ceremony in Hendricks Chapel

April 4, 2014: A limited number of tickets for Chancellor Syverud’s inauguration ceremony on Friday, April 11.

Statement from Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud

April 3, 2014: Chancellor Syverud conveys his thoughts and prayers for an SU alumnus wounded during a shooting at Fort Hood.

Join Chancellor Syverud for a Morning Run on Inauguration Day

March 21, 2014: Syracuse University students, faculty and staff are invited to join Chancellor Syverud in kicking off his inauguration day.

Chancellor Syverud’s Inauguration to Be Held April 11

March 3, 2014: Kent Syverud will be inaugurated as Syracuse University’s 12th Chancellor and President on Friday, April 11.

Media Coverage of Chancellor Syverud’s First Official Day

January 15, 2014: A compilation of local and student media coverage of the Chancellor’s first day, along with some favorite photos and warm welcomes from students, faculty, staff, and alumni on Twitter.

Statement from Syracuse University Chancellor Kent Syverud

January 14, 2014: Chancellor Syverud responds to media reports about plans for a new sports facility in the city of Syracuse.

First Day of the Semester for Chancellor Syverud

January 14, 2014: Chancellor Syverud and his wife, Dr. Ruth Chen, greeted students and staff across the campus on his first full day on the job, Monday, Jan. 13.

Chancellor Syverud Connects with Campus Community on His First Day

January 13, 2014: The semester’s first day of classes marks the official start of Chancellor Kent Syverud’s tenure as Syracuse University’s 12th Chancellor and President.

Welcome Address by Chancellor Syverud

September 12, 2013: Complete text of Chancellor Syverud’s address in Hendricks Chapel the day his appointment was announced.

Meet Chancellor-Designate Syverud at 1 p.m.

September 12, 2013: Chancellor-designate Kent D. Syverud will meet and address the SU community later today.

Message from Board Chairman Richard L. Thompson

September 12, 2013: Read the message sent to students, faculty, staff and alumni the day Chancellor Syverud’s appointment was announced.

Kent D. Syverud Named 12th Chancellor and President of Syracuse University

September 12, 2013: Kent D. Syverud, dean of the School of Law at Washington University in St. Louis, has been selected to be the 12th Chancellor and President of Syracuse University.